New Club Aims to Inspire Girls to get Involved in STEM Industry

“Women in STEM” club officers gather for a group photo after their first meeting.

Isabella Carlin, Reporter


High school is a time for students to begin thinking about their future aspirations and dreams. A group of sophomore students have recently created a unique club designed to help students become aware of the STEM industry. “Women in STEM” is a group of motivated CP girls who are taking their first step to make their mark on the thrilling and constantly evolving world of STEM.

A new club, “Women in STEM”, was created to empower girls to get involved in STEM activities and classes and to learn about the industry. The club holds meetings every other Friday at 2:45 in Ms. Pepper’s room, 2614. The club is run by presidents-Sophie Dickie, Dyuti Krishnamurthy, and Pranavi Maddipatla. The other officers for the club are Taylor Beers (VP of Membership) and Katelyn Beard (VP of Marketing and Communications). By creating this club, the girls hope that they can inspire girls to pursue STEM careers in their futures. 

“We all have a common interest in STEM and it’s such an emerging field that we thought it would be a good idea to inform others,” club president Sophie Dickie said. “It is one of the biggest fields for growth in the world, especially for women so we want girls to be informed about their future potential.” 

Inspiring women to get involved in the STEM field is a common goal across the country as colleges and universities are trying to increase the number of women enrolled in their STEM classes. The group of girls who created the club aspire to become biomedical engineers, software engineers, pediatricians, and neurosurgeons in their future and to help improve the lives of others technologically and physically. They hope that by students attending the biweekly club, they can learn about the many different aspects of STEM and become interested in pursuing careers in the industry.

“At our meetings, we will have different speakers that will come speak to our club members about different job opportunities in the STEM field,” vice president Katelyn Beard said. “We will also have volunteering opportunities for members and tour opportunities where we will tour different STEM establishments.” 

Along with listening to speakers at meetings, girls will also get to learn about a different woman who made an impact on the STEM industry each week and meet new girls with similar interests. To join the club, members must pay dues and join the remind (@fgc2d42) for important information. For seniors, local businesses have offered to provide scholarships to outstanding STEM students involved in the club.

“Through our club, we wanted to emphasize that there is a lot of opportunities available for girls in the STEM field which people might not know about and to promote women in STEM overall,” president Pranavi Maddipatla said.