Behind the Scenes

Inside the CPTV Program

Senior Olivia Hoover edits her segment for the upcoming broadcast deadline.

Isabella Carlin, Reporter

Each afternoon in Room 1602, students diligently work together to prepare for upcoming interviews and to meet deadlines. This isn’t a professional broadcast studio; it’s a broadcast program managed by hardworking students. 

The program is run by Audio Video Production teacher, Ms. Kacie Windham, and 13 Audio Video Production 2 and Practicum students. The members of the CPTV team attend school events, interview students and teachers, create polls, and film humorous segments to try and appeal to the student body. During 6th and 7th period, the students edit and film their segments. Through CPTV, the students hope to help to get more students involved and aware of events occurring at school. 

“The program is not new, we have had it for years but it has not been highly advertised,” Ms. Windham said. “A lot of teachers and students are not familiar with what it is or how to access it. It’s usually a biweekly, sometimes weekly, student-made broadcast.”

This is Ms. Windham’s first year as the CPTV adviser. This year, her goal is to make CPTV more advertised than it has been in the past. On each air date, the team sends the link to all teachers to play in class. Students can also view the broadcast anytime at school on a private server by going to By making students aware of the broadcast, she hopes students will want to become involved in the audio-video production program. Joining the program can help students who want to go into the film and media business because they are given unique opportunities to work off-campus. 

“In the past, I created commercials for a social media marketing agency and I used to have my own freelance videography business,” junior Ian Sears said. 

The Audio Video Production students are encouraged to seek experiences outside of school along with working on the broadcast team in order to improve their chances of getting admitted into a media-related college program. Ms. Windham studied Mass Communications at UT Tyler and served as a web producer for a Tyler, TX CBS News Station. She also taught journalism, broadcast, and newspaper before working at College Park. She has had experience in the media world and can offer advice to her students about how to be successful and structured the program so that the students will be prepared for their career outside of high school. The program helps give the students the necessary skills they will use in their future like interviewing, editing audio/film, and working with others in a work environment. 

“ I enjoy the CPTV program because I am able to talk to a lot of different people at school and be with people who share the same passion as me,” junior Rares Moise said. 

The students cover everything from football games to interviews with the staff. By getting to interact with many different people at school, they get to experience what all the clubs, athletics, and classes have to offer. 

“I hope the students get more involved in the broadcast,” Ms. Windham said. “We want to get kids on camera and be apart of it. I want the students to be in touch with what’s going on at school and to be aware of when the events are so they can attend.”