Upcoming Chevron Phillips Engineering Panel

Hannah Dollar





Chevron Phillips Engineering panel to be held in the auditorium, Wednesday, Sept. 25th, from 6-7:00 p.m., where engineers will present and answer questions to expose students to the career of engineering. 

“I do hope students who come, learn career opportunities available to them as engineers, learn about what engineering will teach you in college and of any great engineering programs” senior and founder of the Chevron Phillips panel Jennifer Trevino said. “And I hope they learn that engineering is so vast and is not limited to numbers and science, but offers so many career options and that you can find a job in engineering that fits your personality.”

There is a common misconception that engineering is limited to just science and math, and what these people do not know is that there is a wide range of careers, opportunities, and lifestyles that accompany this field of work. Many students who are interested in engineering do not have it all figured out and depending on what path they take to become an engineer, where they end up is all subject to change. This uncertainty comes along with questions of course, and who better to answer these questions than successful, well-accomplished engineers willing to share their insights and wisdom with those aspiring to be like them one day. Chevron Phillips Engineering has committed to aide in this enlightenment by presenting information that they deem helpful to these students. The students attending are encouraged to ask questions as these engineers are there to engage with those serious about expanding their interest in engineering.  

“There is not specifically one thing that I can think of that I wished people would have said when I was exploring engineering,” senior Director for Marine Assets and Operations at McDermott, Michel Middel said. “It is a great decision, following an engineering degree and it will most definitely give you a great start for a chance to an exciting career and a good life. As there are many majors to choose from, choose something that matches your personality and your passions. This will make the amount of effort you have to put in to pass the program much more enjoyable and will give you a chance to find a career that you can have a passion for.” 

The engineering panel will be composed of two chemical engineers and one mechanical engineer. Although these individuals belong to a specific position it will not limit them to answering questions only about their job. They will be able to advocate opportunities that give exposure to students looking to study engineering in college, as well as provide advice on how one knows what aspects of engineering fit them best. Even if students are not completely familiar with the idea of engineering, but have sparked interest in the thought of it, they will still benefit from attending the panel.

“I didn’t do as much as I wish I did in high school to prepare me for college,” student at Texas A&M University Alex Burns said. “I took some AP classes and took prep classes for ACT and SAT, but nothing to help for actual engineering. The math that I learned in high school helped me for what was to come, but most of the other classes did not help much. I wish I had known more in-depth what every major is broken down into. I originally thought I was going to be a Mechanical Engineer, but I realized the Industrial and Systems engineering was better for my personality and what I want to do in the future.”

The school is very appreciative to these engineers for taking the time to engage with these students and those involved are eager to see the turn out for this event. To learn more about this event as well as answering any questions referring to the panel, students can use the QR code and submit questions through the GoogleForm. 

“I am excited to hear from students and what they want to know about engineering, and what they think engineering is,” Trevino said. “I am also excited to moderate and answer questions at this event. I hope students bring questions about, career opportunities, college, day to day and keep submitting questions to our GoogleForm through the QR code on the flyer.”