On January 27, HOSA members were given an informative and eye opening presentation by a representative from UT’s MD Anderson Cancer Center (MDACC) about the dangers of vaping and tobacco products. The presentation covered a wide range of critical topics related to these harmful substances, starting with a detailed explanation of the different types of vaping and tobacco products available today. Some of these products include cigars, cigarettes, e-cigarettes, and THC. The representative emphasized the dangers associated with each of these products, focusing on the highly addictive nature of nicotine, which is a key component in all tobacco products.
“The MD Anderson Vaping and Tobacco Presentation was very educational and interactive. While I had already known that Smoking and Vaping was harmful before the presentation, I learned about the extent of the damage and the level of irreparability that is induced. I learned plenty of new facts about vaping specifically, like how it stunts brain growth and can drastically increase symptoms of depression,” Aden Kwon said.
One of the most striking points made during the presentation was the way tobacco companies target young adults in their marketing strategies, often using deceptive tactics to encourage them to try these products. This often leads to addiction, which makes it difficult for individuals to stop using tobacco, despite the numerous health risks associated with it. The representative also discussed how tobacco companies exploit the developing brains of younger people, making them more susceptible to addiction.
To illustrate the severe health consequences of smoking and vaping, the presentation included several powerful visual aids. Models were displayed comparing healthy lungs to those of long-term smokers, highlighting the contrast in appearance and function. Additionally, dentures resembling the teeth of smokers were shown to emphasize the damage smoking can do to oral health. Jars of tar were also displayed, representing the dangerous build up that accumulates in the lungs of smokers over time. These visuals drove home the point that smoking not only affects the lungs but can also cause significant damage to other parts of the body.
“The comparison was crazy, smoking comes in a lot of forms,” Isabella Medrano said.
The representative provided insight into the various toxic chemicals found in tobacco products. These chemicals, she explained, are used for purposes far beyond smoking, including in household cleaning products and even bug repellents. Some of these substances, when inhaled through smoke or vape fumes, can cause lasting damage to the body and contribute to serious health conditions such as lung disease, cancer, and heart disease.
Another important aspect discussed was the danger of secondhand smoke and vapor. Many people believe that vaping is a safer alternative to smoking, but the representative made it clear that secondhand exposure to vape fumes can be just as harmful as exposure to traditional cigarette smoke. The same harmful chemicals that smokers inhale can be inhaled by those around them, causing potential health risks to non-smokers.
The presentation, the representative provided practical advice on how to avoid smoking and vaping. She recommended avoiding social gatherings where smoking or vaping is prevalent, politely declining when offered tobacco products, and surrounding yourself with friends who do not engage in smoking. These steps can help individuals resist the temptation to try tobacco products and reduce their exposure to harmful substances.
The MDACC presentation reinforced a crucial message that all forms of tobacco use, including vaping, are dangerous and harmful to your health. Despite claims to the contrary, there is no safe way to use these products, and it is essential to make informed choices to protect your long-term health.
“I thought the presentation was very informative and important, especially for teens. The demonstration of a real smoker’s lungs really put into perspective the irreversible damage vaping and tobacco can cause,” Katie Phan said.