Crime is a major issue affecting communities across the country. The majority of the time, these criminals are sent away to incarceration. Sending these criminals away is likely just putting a Band-Aid on a much larger issue. The privatization of prisons is creating a business of sending criminals away and corrupting the judges and district attorneys. Government officials do not put any thought into rehabilitating criminals, and instead, just lock them away. This leads criminals to become re-offenders when they get out.

In prisons in the United States, 71% of prisoners face rearrest within 5 years of release. Government officials would rather lock people away than improve communities where crime like this is high.
They don’t see this as a valuable taxpayer investment. Prison overcrowding is a serious issue in which way too many people are being locked away because it has become the norm for societies in hard conditions. They see crime as a survival instinct to make ends meet in poverty. When did humanity stop mattering? We’re all just humans after all who make mistakes. Now, except for the psychopaths who have their brains wired a certain way, everyone can change and can be forgiven. If we focus on the cause for humanity, we can lower crime significantly and lift neighborhoods in distress.
The privatization of prisons is just another way money-hungry people can lock away people and even sway the judge’s sentences causing major corruption. This turns to sending people to prison as a business, causing more punishment without rehab to improve, leading to re-offending. Prisons should not be privately owned and should be government-controlled, causing more of a focus on changing the community instead of just putting a Band-Aid on a much larger issue.
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