Lauren’s Farewell

Eleanor Kelly

As a senior in high school, the future can seem both exciting and overwhelming. Graduation looms on the horizon, and the pressure to make important decisions can feel immense. This period marks a significant turning point in the lives of many, as they prepare for the transition into the next phase of their academic and personal lives. 

Even though she was on the staff for one year, Lauren Benton was able to leave a lasting impression on The Paladin. Lauren will be attending Texas A&M University next year and will major in biology. 

“A lot of my friends will be attending there as well. Overall I’m very excited and anticipating this new chapter in my life,” Lauren said.

Originally, Lauren planned on going out of state for college, or going to UT Austin, but her two final choices were between LSU and A&M. She decided the Aggie Life was for her. Lauren plans on living on campus, and is very excited to be involved in campus life. Benton is very excited for the opportunity to meet new people. A&M is a huge school so she is looking forward to mingling with fellow students.

“I’m very excited to start a new chapter in my life. High school taught me a lot and I’m grateful that College Park is a nice place with nice people overall, but it’s more like I’m ready to see what else is out there,” Lauren said. 

It’s bittersweet to leave behind the familiar routines and community that Lauren has found at College Park, but she has spent as much time as she can, she’s ready to explore the world, and is eager to see what other opportunities lie. 

“I was a CP Ambassador, and helped volunteer at Camp Cavalier and other events around the community, like elementary school carnivals,” Lauren said. 

Lauren did a lot during her high school career, she was involved in many clubs like Women’s United, CP Ambassadors, and even architecture club. Duringher freshman year of high school she played fast-pitch softball at the South Montgomery girls softball league where she played as an outfielder.

“From the summer before my junior year and all the way through October of my senior year, I worked at the Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavillion,” Lauren said. “It was really interesting for my first ever job.”

Lauren worked as a ticket taker and even worked on the floor, she really enjoyed the experience of working with live music. Later she started working at Main Squeeze Juice Co. 

“My advice to the upcoming senior class is learning to know when to put yourself first. Everyone will go through a point in their life where they feel pressured to put someone above themselves in a way that harms their own well being,” Lauren said.

Reflecting on her time at CP, Lauren talks about some of the best friends she made in her fifth period physics class during her junior year. 

Lauren was a great addition to the Paladin staff. She covered school wide events all year, and was always willing to help others. 

“Mrs. Walton herself is a bonus to being on the Paladin staff; she’s a fun teacher and the first teacher I’ve had who has made me actively make sure to get my stuff done and not procrastinate, even if there’s been times where stories were hard to write for whatever reason. Even though I won’t be writing in the future, I’m happy I had such a great experience”

Lauren was a great addition to the Paladin staff. She covered school wide events all year, and was always willing to help others. 

 “Deciding what I wanted and who I wanted in my life was hard, but I can make mistakes and learn from them and not later during something important.” Lauren said. 

We’ll miss Lauren very much, but we wish her the best at A&M, gig ‘em!