Return of the Testing Season

Lauren Benton

Start marking your calendars. On April 18, April 25, and May 2, underclassmen will take their end-of-curriculum benchmarks, the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness, better known as the STAAR tests.

On Tuesday, April 18, the English 1 and English 2 tests will be taken by freshmen and sophomores, and juniors will be reviewing for their US History test. Seniors will arrive late at 11:45 A.M. 

On Tuesday, April 25, freshmen will be taking their Biology test, and juniors will be taking their US History test. Seniors will again have late arrival, but they will be arriving earlier at 10:30 A.M. 

On Tuesday, May 2, freshmen will be taking their Algebra I test. Sophomores will be either participating in a PSAT review or an AP World History review, and juniors and seniors will both have late arrival at 10:30 A.M.