Rock, Pop, N’ Roll

Sophia Dinubilo

On Thursday, November 3rd, the College Park Cavalier Orchestra will host their annual orchestra concert. This year’s production, Rock, Pop, n’ Roll, will be held at 7pm in the CP Auditorium. The production includes pieces from some of our favorite iconic bands and artists; The Beatles, Journey, Elvis, Queen, Coldplay, Led Zeppelin, and more. “Each year we decide on a theme- we have featured music from movies, television, Broadway, horror, and this year we are performing rock and pop selections from the 60s to present. Some of the titles for the show are Stairway to Heaven, Kashmir, Walk this Way, Boulevard Dreams, and Bohemian Rhapsody.” orchestra director Dr. Kempter said.

Tickets are available online at for $8.50 each, or available at the door for $10.00. There will also be a livestream of the production that viewers will be available to join for $5.00. “This concert is by far the favorite for the students to play.  They are encouraged to ‘dress the part’ for the given theme or make use of appropriate props.  Each show usually involves a sketch of some kind that incorporates one of my dogs, or now, my grandson. Maybe we’ll see one of them this year….” Dr. Kempter said.

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