Lights! Cameras! Action! 2022 Fall Productions

Taylor Good, Author

Following the chime of the dismissal bell, a crowd of eager students flood the steps to the auditorium, the atmosphere of anxiety intensifying as their twitching fingertips graze the cover of their audition scripts. With their eyes encompassed in nervousness and zeal, the students await for the arrival of their theater director, Ms. Labonsky, all hoping to be casted in the two highly-anticipated fall productions: She Kills Monsters and Sweet Science of Bruising.

She Kills Monsters, an energetic, 90s throwback, is set to be performed in late September, centering on the main character’s fantastical journey through the world of Dungeons and Dragons, directed by assistant director, Mrs. Sigura.

“Mrs. Sigura, one of my co-directors, chose She Kills Monsters,” said Labonski. “It deals with the themes of sisterhood and loss in a really contemporary, vibrant way that we thought would speak to students at College Park, and also tell a really meaningful story but in a really fun way. It also gives us a throw back to the 90s, which is really fun.”

Sweet Science of Bruising, set to be performed in mid-October, contains heavier material than that of its counterpart, focusing on four Victorian women who are plunged into the underground world of boxing.

“Sweet Science of Bruising is the show that I get to direct,” Labonski said. “It’s a brand new play– it just came over from England– and it is based loosely on real people; real women stories from the 1860s’ and the different reasons that they chose to box.”

The two plays, similarly relate to past shows Legally Blonde and Puffs, possess an energetic and comedic tone, however, the Victorian play dives into heavier subject matter far more thoroughly than that of its counterpart.

“They’re both high energy but in different ways,” said Labonski. “She Kills Monsters” is really bombastic and in-your-face, whereas Sweet Science of Bruising is kind of intense. But also there’s just this raw, physical power of boxing, so there’s kind of an intense energy associated with this.”

For junior and Newcomer Coordinator Solomon Williams, the intensity of the Victorian play and the heavily implemented fight scenes are what attracted him to audition for one of the main roles. In the next couple of weeks, students who are casted for the play will be introduced to intricate fight choreography.

“It’s very serious and handles some very serious subjects, but it’s really cool,” said Williams. “I think the costumes are going to be amazing, I think the set is going to be amazing, and we have a fight choreographer coming in to help us, so I think that’s really cool.”

Senior and Vice President of the theater board Phoebe Hamburger also shares William’s enthusiasm for the production’s intense fight choreography. Unlike their previous performances, this majority-female play introduces a new style of acting.

“I’m excited to learn fight choreography for this show,” said Hamburger. “We get to box in the show which is super cool and exciting. It is a style of acting that is way different to anything else that I’ve ever done which I am stoked for. I think that it’ll be a super fun experience, and ultimately getting to perform in a show like this with my friends is super exciting!”

For senior Taryn Good, who is now a part of the main cast, the complexities of the play will help strengthen her acting skills. With her initial desire of being the main character in She Kills Monsters, she was shocked that she was casted for the boxing production.

“Now being the cast of the Sweet Science of Bruising, I was very surprised because I didn’t know I was going to be casted into such an intricate show,” said Good. “I’m really proud of myself.”

With these two productions possessing such unique, creative themes, CP theater students are ecstatic to enter into a new realm of acting. For senior Brendon Garett, the fall productions will give him the opportunity to relish performing with his castmates for the final time.

“I’m looking forward to performing with my friends again,” said Garrett.