Hannah has our Hearts

Mo Carter

It’s here, the final day, and we here at The Paladin say our goodbyes to the senior class. To give a proper send off, each senior is writing a story to highlight another graduating member. Having joined the staff at different parts of our high school careers we all have become invested in our own ways, but one in particular has been here since her beginning. 


Hannah Dollar will certainly leave a hole in the heart of the newspaper staff as she graduates. Hannah is leaving a macha loving, lactose intolerant, vegan, hamburger eating shaped hole. It is almost like she was determined to be an enigma from the beginning. 


“I don’t know who put me in journalism freshman year,” Dollar said. “What was supposed to be an easy class turned into something more.”


In the four years since then, she has become a dedicated and integral member of the staff, going on to be the editor for her final year. Hannah is the driving force behind getting most things done, from our weekly stories to the podcast that has grown in episodes this year. She has encouraged each of us to write what we are passionate about, but what Hannah seems to be passionate about is the writing itself.


“I’ve really enjoyed the writing, people, events, and informing people through the newspaper,” Hannah said. “I’m going to Texas Christian University next year, I plan on studying journalism there.”


The newspaper has become her comfort zone here at College Park with the help of Mrs.Walton and former students such as Jillian Parks, but Hannah is ready for her next big adventure. I personally can’t wait to see what she does with her level of drive.


Her dedication can be hard to see at times. Hannah isn’t the kind of person to brag about her achievements and involvement in the community. Being a part of Interact and National Charity League and various jobs centered around coffee. Though, I’m convinced they are just to feed her coffee addiction. Hannah always seems to be working at the newest coffee shop with the exception of that one stint at an ice cream shop.


Just sitting in a room with her anyone can feel the light she radiates. I’m going to miss seeing her every day. Writing this was the hardest piece I’ve had this year, because with every other story I had Hannah to help me. Also, I may or may not be violently sobbing right now. The number of drafts I’ve gone through, and none of them have been able to get close to describing how much Hannah means to us all.


Thank you so much Hannah for brightening all of our days and I wish you the best of luck and to continue to be the sweet caring person we all needed each day as our staff leader.