Test Ready!

Preparing for Finals

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Standardized Test with yellow pencil

Dayan Rivera

Finals are fast approaching, and I know many of us are looking for ways to make the hectic week a little less stressful.  

Many of us may want to find ways to feel more prepared for the upcoming week, as finals are a series of tests for each class that you take and it may become frustrating or even stressful if you do not know the material that was taught over the year. 


Make time to Study!

This may seem like a pointless task, but it is helpful. Most of your teachers will give out a review sheet that contains almost everything that the test will go over, so once you get this sheet, take some time to look over them each night before testing week. Do not try to cram in studying all in one night, it does not help as it will cause your brain to feel “drained” and everything that you tried to cram will more than likely result in a loss. 

There are many other resources you could look over other than a review sheet. Most teachers have their lessons on Canvas, so if you forgot about something or simply want more of an understanding of what was taught, look over their modules. 

To make studying a little more entertaining, ask a friend to join you. Both of you could make flashcards and quiz each other on key topics. This can be challenging, but ultimately an enjoyable way to retain knowledge. 


Eat Breakfast 

As you know, eating breakfast is the most important meal of the day as it gives you the nutrition you need to start the day. It is important to eat before a big test so that your body and mind feel energized since you will be in classrooms for over an hour each day. Bring a drink or a snack that you could munch on after the test to reward yourself for finishing the year! 



Getting a good night’s sleep can influence the way you perform the morning of your test, and keep in mind that you only have two hours to take each test therefore thinking about taking a quick nap mid-test will not benefit you. Getting a good night’s rest will help your mind and body prepare itself because most of the exams are long and involve a lot of reading so…SLEEP!


On that note, I wish everyone the best of luck when the time comes. To prepare for finals make sure to study, eat, and get enough sleep, as all these things will benefit you in the best way possible and will result in you being test-ready.