The Final Countdown

The Final Countdown

Hannah Dollar, Editor

Next week is a big week for seniors as their high school careers come to a close. It will be an emotional week for many students and staff, especially as seniors walk the halls for the last time and walk across the stage for the first. Here are the upcoming moments seniors won’t want to miss:

Senior Awards Night

Students that were invited to participate in senior awards night have either earned a scholarship of any kind, been a member of AST or NHS, earned an AP cord or a DC cord, been an honor graduate, enlisted in the military, earned a heart and soul cord, or have been a National Merit, Commended, Hispanic, or Achievement designee. Awards will be presented to these seniors on Monday, May 16th at 6:30 in the CP auditorium. All are welcome to celebrate these students’ achievements.

Senior Sign Day

This is a highly anticipated tradition for CP seniors dating back to the class of 2007. Seniors will be celebrated with signs with military and college names on them placed in the front of the school on Tuesday, May 17th through all lunches. Seniors are encouraged to add their signature to the back of the sign with their college or military on them just as past alumni have done. CP has purchased over 1,000 signs over the years to represent students. Seniors, make sure to wear your college or military shirts and take lots of pictures to commemorate your achievements.

Senior Last Walk

Another highly anticipated moment, that will most likely provoke emotions from all of the school is when the seniors walk the main hallway of CP one last time. On Wednesday, May 18th, the last day of school for seniors, they will join Dr. Murell after second period to parade down the hallway surrounded by anyone who wants to watch. Many seniors will then go to their former elementary and intermediate schools to do the same. Seniors, make sure to wear your senior shirts!

Graduation Practice and Senior Picnic

On Friday, May 20th seniors will arrive at the school at 8:45 to load onto buses to go to the pavilion for graduation practice. Seniors will run through a shortened, mock-graduation ceremony to get a feel of what the big day will look like and where they need to be. Following the practice, seniors will be bused back to the school for the senior picnic, falling between 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. 


The big day! On Sunday, May 22nd seniors will arrive at the school to load onto buses at 5:30 pm. The ceremony will begin at 7:00 pm at the pavilion, lasting about two hours. 

Seniors, enjoy this final week and take it all in. You did it. You finished high school and are prepared to go on to the next chapter in your life. Make this final week one you will remember!