Getting Creative On Paper

Taylor Good, Guest Writer

Every student possesses a creative caliber that is distinctive from their peers, and while some demonstrate this gift onto blank canvases, others pour their imaginations through pen and paper- creating stories that entail their passions and frustrations through fantastical characters or turbulent, heart-wrenching storylines. To further champion this artistry, Creative Writing teacher Kenneth Cole established the Writer’s Club, providing a safe, intimate space for students to share their stories with other inspiring writers. 

”Writer’s Club is generally just a place where we get together and write,” said junior and president of the club, Herse Driver.  “Typically we start off by sharing stories or story ideas for a little bit, giving each other critiques– never rude, just helpful- and then we move on to a flash fiction activity.”

To start off the meeting, members are given a prompt issued by Mr. Cole and then are encouraged to write as much as they can within the given time limit. 

“We also typically share them afterward, but that’s not a requirement,” Driver said.  

Within the solace of Mr. Cole’s classroom, members have the autonomy to write on any topic that is personal to them, communicating their ideas through various writing modes such as poetry, short stories, or lyrical essays. For Driver, the intimacy of the club accompanied by the liberty to express her creativity without prohibition has improved her overall writing style and boosted her confidence as a writer. 

“I’m way more comfortable sharing stories and I have gotten better at giving feedback on other stories,” Driver said. “I can write more efficiently, I’ve gotten better at my word choice and sentence construction. It’s actually generally improved my writing; I was kind of surprised by that.”

Along with the strengthening of writing skills, the club has also established a feeling of camaraderie amongst members, with the club possessing an integration of both introverted and outspoken individuals. Throughout the meeting, students provide respectful, yet honest criticism of one another’s work, as well as encouragement for their peers to keep pursuing their writing journey. 

“Back when I first joined Writer’s Club in freshman year, I never shared a story,” Driver said. ̈ I was absolutely petrified of it. But after becoming the president of Writer’s Club I’ve found a sense of comradery with the shy students and the more outspoken students and I’ve gotten more confident in sharing my own stories. 

For junior Wik Reeder, the lack of writing structure and the ability to explore genres outside of the curriculum are one of the many aspects of the club that he appreciates the most. 

“I like that we get to write stories that are personal to us and then share them with people and get critiques,” Reeder said.  “There’s not a structure really to them.”

And for senior Natalie Bautista, the club has instilled in her the courage to share a piece of herself with others.  

“Usually I get nervous every time I walk into the door because as much as we are comfortable with each other, again, it is revealing a part of us,” Bautista said. “But overall once you read it you feel accomplished by it or happy because you’re proud of what you’ve written.”

Writer’s Club meets every Thursday at 2:45 in room 2309.  For more information please contact Mr. Cole at [email protected]