Prom Clothing Drive

Hannah Dollar, Editor

Over our middle school and high school years we undoubtedly will or have accumulated formal wear we won’t have the opportunity to wear again, and if we do there is a slim chance that it will still fit. If your past formal clothing is collecting dust in your closet, CP is offering a space to donate these pieces so that others have the option to dress up for homecoming, prom, and other special occasions. Donations can be left in the front office for the prom clothing drive from March 21st through April 1st. These formal items might include dresses, tuxes, dress pants, jackets, shirts, ties, male dress shoes, and heels of all sizes, jewelry, hair clips, cuff links, handbags, and small purses; anything that made your homecoming and formals special. This is a great way to clean out your closet and give students in need options for their upcoming prom season.