Preparing for Battle

Overview expectations on CP vs. the Woodlands

Dayan Rivera

Tomorrow night, Thurs., Feb. 18th, be prepared for the game of the soccer season, CP vs. The Woodlands High School. So much is expected of this game whether it’s to win or lose. The Cavs are ready for whatever is to come. 

“I think we have a really good chance of beating the Woodlands this year,” sophomore left center back Jason Pirir said. “We didn’t beat them last year due to some bad calls” 

The varsity team has been on an off-and-on streak. So far during the first round of districts, they have won two games and have lost two making the outcome of this game unpredictable. However, with positive mindsets, the Cavs are hoping for the best. 

“My expectations for the game are to go out and fight like we have been,” senior right center back, Sebastian Parra said. “We have a really good chance to win, I believe we can.” 

For whatever is to come, our Cavs are prepared. However the results come out, we will return home with our heads high. The Cavs will face off the Highlanders tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. on their field. Tickets can be purchased on CISD Event Tickets or when you arrive, it’s $2 for students and $3 for adults. Let’s fight hard and bring it home Cavs! 

,” Pirir said.