The Infinite

There are seven different zones within the Infinite tour.

Hannah Dollar, Editor

Venturing into the city is often the only way to experience unique adventures, but it is often a commitment to drive the 45 minutes there for something you are unsure of. I have had my fair share of failed attempts at trying something new in Houston, often ending in hours of traffic and disappointment. However, a few weekends ago, I experienced quite the adventure that left my faith in Houston’s offerings restored; it is called “The Infinite.”

What is deemed “an out-of-this-world immersive experience” did not disappoint in the wonder felt on the 60-minutes spent exploring the International Space Station in a captivating virtual and augmented reality. I am not a space geek or a science person, but experiencing the universe from astronauts’ perspective and being immersed in different galaxies and dimensions was an unmatched experience.

The tour started with a brief introduction of the “calling” for this installation inspired by NASA Missions. Next, we were guided into the “onboarding,” where technicians gave a rundown of how to use the VR headsets, which had just been through an intense sanitation cycle to ensure our safety on top of the required wearing of masks. The technicians then synced up our VR headsets according to who we were with so that you could interact with and see each other in the VR.

Once we had stepped into the International Space Station reality, we had to complete seven chapters, opened by touching pods that then immersed you into a recording of astronauts on the ISS. After everyone had experienced the few videos, we transitioned to the next chapter by progressing in our journey across dimensions. We sky-walked through galaxies, constellations, around the sun and moon, and beyond our imaginations. Our trip on the ISS ended after about 35 minutes with witnessing astronauts spacewalking around the ISS, where Earth’s atmosphere felt just in reach. 

Our next stop was what I later found out to be an art installation by Ryoji Ikeda, a Japanese visual and sound artist. My only critique of the whole experience would be of what came after the VR experience, as it was unclear that the journey would end of our own accord. It was also unclear who the art installations that explored light and sound were by or what their significance was. However, these art installations were the perfect photo opp, but again they felt rushed as we were unsure where the journey ended. 

After the Ikeda installation, we passed through the “wormhole,” a tunnel of mirrors reflecting lights and images of one another, creating a fascinating visual experience. Lastly, we passed through “the origin,” which was perhaps the most confusing of all the art, as it simply appeared as a skylight refracting yellow, blue, and green light. Again, the art portion needed some briefing before approaching. 

Nevertheless, the venture genuinely exceeded anything I have encountered in Houston. This acclaimed experience, having come directly from its successful three-month world premiere in Montreal, will be available in Houston through Feb. 20th at Silver Street Studios in Sawyer Yards. Tickets vary depending on the date and time, but students get a discounted price. You can get your tickets and find out more about the experience here.