Preparing for Contest

Mrs. Lowrey

The Reveliers practice their pom routine.

Eleanor Kelly

As the College Park Reveliers prepare for their 2022 contest season, many requirements must be met. They have three dances, pom, novelty, and jazz that they have to set, clean, and perfect before their first contest on February 12th.

“I think that all of our dances have been coming along, and the Revs have been working hard and making these dances look great. With contest being so close, it can be stressful cleaning the dances as fast as possible, but I know the Revs got this,” sophomore Hannah Mulhern said.  

The cleaning process is very extensive, having to run specific parts over and over again, and taking apart each movement piece by piece. So far the Revs have cleaned two dances, pom and novelty. 

“You each play a character, even when you’re in the big groups,” the Revelier’s assistant director Ms. Totter said.

The team’s novelty dance, novelty referring to having a theme, is a window into the world of Alice in Wonderland. The dance includes characters like the White Rabbit, the Queen of Hearts, the Mad Hatter, cards, teacups, and of course Alice. The dance is set to a medley of songs from the Alice in Wonderland soundtrack, and other Alice in Wonderland themed songs. 

“My favorite dance is pom because that dance is made up of so much creativity and fantastic moves. I love the style and power you need for this dance. It’s a great way to start off my freshman season with the Revs,” freshman Brook Cranford said

The Pom routine is set to a mash-up of Prince songs. Pom is the hardest dance to clean because each movement has to be done sharply and with purpose, this dance also requires the highest amount of energy. 

“I really like the dances this year, they are a lot different from last year, skill wise, but they are still fun. I can’t wait to see the end result,” sophomore Marley Miller said. 

The Reveliers still have a few weeks until their first competition, but until then they will be working extremely hard to make these dances as perfect as possible. At the competition, the dances are judged based on technique, showmanship, and presentation. The Reveliers are hoping to bring home many awards, to make sure all the hard work they put in is really worth it.  

“I am extremely excited to perform these dances for the judges, and for them to see how the Revs do our thing,” Hannah Mulhern said.