Getting to Know Greek Life

Mo Carter

When it comes to college, many people think of the campus Greek Life organizations. Sororities and fraternities have an appeal to many incoming students, but it can be difficult to know where to start getting involved. Luckily for girls living in Montgomery County, there is a chapter of the National Panhellenic Conference to help them get started.


“We are a volunteer organization and member of the National Panhellenic Conference (NPC),” Ann Rudd, a member of the conference, said. “Our alumni are dedicated to supporting and promoting Greek Life by informing them of the recruitment process and sharing Greek life experiences.”


The NPC is an organization that helps cultivate sorority culture across America. The majority of Greek life organizations are directly tied to the group and work with them to find new members. Getting involved now, can help put a student’s name into the wide world of sororities and help them find the right one for them.


“These groups also work hard to instill a culture of service through their philanthropies and local charitable events,” Rudd said.


Whilst the alumni have meetings year round, the Panhellenic opens many of their spring meetings up to junior and senior girls in high school interested in sorority activities. They have girls from The Woodlands area who are currently involved in Greek life speak about their experiences. The next meeting is on February 23rd. That Wednesday, both students and their parents are encouraged to come to the meeting at The Woodlands Methodist Church, starting at 6:30 pm.


“This is a chance for local Montgomery County potential sorority members and their parents to learn more about Greek Life,” Rudd said.


Stepping into a new environment, like college, can be intimidating and it can be difficult to find a group of people where the fit is just right. Freshmen who open themselves up to the community offered by Greek Life can cast a wider net to set up a support network. Sororities are just another way for a student to put themselves out there and make friends.


“College is one of the biggest transitions in a student’s life,” Rudd said.  “Joining a sorority provides an unique opportunity to meet new people and create life-long friendships.”


While everyone tends to closely associate the sisterhood aspect of sorority life, many often overlook the great number of other things that can be gained from joining the organization. Weekly meetings and required service hours instill this unique group of individuals with the knowledge of how to work as a team and help for their communities. 


“Sorority membership will help cultivate leadership skills and include high academic expectations along with support that often translates into successful careers,” Rudd said.

This all sounds well and good, but college in of itself comes with a hefty price tag, so adding the dues of a sorority can be a stresser many want to avoid. Scholarships are available from many schools and organizations, but sometimes it can be difficult to find one willing to help with Greek Life dues. The NPC sees this and tries its best to help where they can, by offering scholarships specifically designed for those entering the Greek Life community. 


“We, as an organization, offer annual scholarships awarded to current junior year sorority women who exhibit leadership, academic excellence, college activities and community service,” Rudd said.


All this being said, trying to enter Greek Life can be intimidating if there isn’t someone to help guide you through the process. The NPC does its best to try and offer as many resources as it can for all those looking at getting started.


“For high school seniors thinking about their college experience and unsure of what organization they might want to be involved in, we suggest you attend our events and check out our webpage,” Rudd said.

It is never too early, or late, to start getting involved. The Woodlands Chapter of the NPC’s goal is to encourage interest and inform college bound students about their organizations and opportunities. to encourage interest for their organizations. 


“We are here to help answer questions for students and parents alike, feel free to contact us through our email,” Rudd said.



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