Wave Of Emotion

Gabe Tartaglia

It was a bizarre game for the Cavs to say the least. Whether it be the lights going out at the beginning of the second half or the kicker throwing a pick six. This rollercoaster of a game produced a few ongoing challenges and predictions on how the game could end.  In the end, the varsity team still walked away with a hard fought 38-24 comeback win.

After an uneventful first quarter of punting back and forth, the Cavaliers opened up scoring with a 36 yard field goal. Which was all the scoring for the first quarter.

“Don’t let go of the rope was what I kept saying to the team because we knew we weren’t down a lot so I kept relaying not giving up because that would’ve been the easy thing to do,” quarterback Ty Buckmon said.

Then, Klein scored the first two touchdowns of the game, making the score 14-3. After a few more punts, Klein scored again to make the score 21-3 as the first half came to a close. 

“We knew that we had to keep calm and make something happen. Coach came in during half time and said he didn’t know what was going to happen. But what he did know was that we were going to find out what we were made of,” senior tight end Cody Mladenka said.

After a slow start to the game, the Cavs looked like a completely different team coming out of the locker room. A short touchdown pass from Ty Buckmon gave them their first touchdown of the game, making the score 21-10. Then, a Joe Golden pick six really kicked off the Cavalier comeback. 

“The momentum is almost impossible to describe, it felt surreal. I remember looking at the scoreboard and telling myself that we are going to win this game. After the interception, you could tell that we had taken all the momentum,” senior defensive back Joe Golden  said on his game-altering interception.

But before the momentum was really able to swing the Cavaliers way, one of the stadium lamps went out causing a minor delay in the action. But thanks to the student section leaders CJ Liotta and Luke Chavers  leading the crowd in the wave and even a spirit chant with the band, the crowd was never out of it.

“We couldn’t get to the point of sitting down, we had to think of the best way to translate negative energy into positive momentum,”  student section leader Luke Chavers said.

Returning from the delay, it was pretty much all Cavaliers. A 62 yard touchdown pass to Holden Rook made the score 24-24. And a short run from Tice Williams put the Cavs up 31-24, giving the team its first lead of the game. Another rushing touchdown from Ty Buckmon made the score 38-24, sealing the deal on a third straight Cavaliers win.

“The feeling was great, we had a feeling we were gonna pull away with a win even though it was a shootout. I wouldn’t have had it any other way,” senior defensive end Justin Wiggers said.

Their next game is Friday, September 24, at 6 pm where they will take on Mayde Creek at Legacy Stadium in Katy.