Batter Up

Hannah Dollar

The resilience of the varsity baseball team and the senior class is undeniable, considering the team’s progression after a rough first season. Coming off a season spoiled by the pandemic, the varsity team was without any pre-season hype from Vype Magazine or Student Center and a roster without a highly touted D1 player. Despite these drawbacks, the Cavaliers worked hard to end their season with pride, setting the field for next season’s team. 

“Our Senior class had to persevere through a lot these past few years. We got a new head coach our junior year and missed out on a whole season due to covid. We didn’t really have any five star individuals, but I feel as if I can speak for everyone when I say that we performed like a five star team,” senior Logan Murray said. “While our run at the playoffs was only two rounds deep, the impact and legacy that our senior class left at College Park baseball will be remembered for years to come.”

Going into district play, after an average tournament season, Varsity was 7-6-1. After seven district games, the Cavaliers were 3-4, heading into a pivotal game against Conroe. This game sparked the team’s passion as in the last two innings, they went from 7-0, losing, to a 10-7 victory. After this victory, the Cavs finished their district games 7-2, winning the next six out of seven games. 

“This past season I felt that our program as a whole came together to be one big family and at the end of the day we knew that we had each other’s backs on and off the field.” junior Gavin Morgan said. “Next year I’m looking forward to once again competing alongside my teammates and I hope we are able to make a run in the playoffs. Most importantly though I hope that we can continue to build on the great culture that the senior class helped build this past year.”

Varsity, made up of 11 seniors and eight underclassmen, was highly influenced by the culture the seniors had built over their four years in the baseball program. After not making playoffs for two years, the seniors were determined to make a name for themselves and future players. The team persevered through a tough first round of District to beat the Woodlands for second place in District, only one win behind Oakridge, the highest district finish since 2015. Such determination also allowed the team to secure a playoff spot, the first time since 2018.

“It was definitely upsetting losing in the second round of playoffs, we definitely feel like we could have gone further,” senior Jonathan Sisk said. “I definitely will miss my underclassman friends, the coaches, the morning weight rooms, the late practice, the long bus rides, and honestly everything to do with the sport. I’m not playing in college so it’s very bittersweet leaving the sport I’ve played for 15 years. Also, coach Faherty has really changed the culture in the baseball program and made it a very hard working atmosphere.”

The most consistent seniors, making up the starting rotation for the Cavs, were Hank Hudson, Logan Murray, and Carter Gorling. Towards the end of the season, senior Andrew Vorst stepped into a dominant role on the team as well. In future seasons, sophomores Dylan Brunner and Conner Judge show promising futures in leadership roles, as well as junior Holden Rook, who has committed to Abilene Christian Baseball. Other noteworthy players include the two solid starting catchers, senior Cal Garcia and sophomore Ben Blanchard. 

“This season was a great season for us after last season being cancelled due to covid,” Rook said. “This season was really based on the seniors’ leadership. We hope to be able to go deeper in the playoffs next year as a team and have some more guys step up as leaders.”

Overall, the Cavs played 31 games with 913 plate appearances. They scored 170 runs on 197 hits, including 136 RBI’s, hitting 39 2B, 6 3B, and 8 HR on the season. The Cavs stole 57 bases, being caught 15 times for a .792 SB percent. In District, they played 15 games with 460 plate appearances, scoring 82 runs on 104 hits, including 65 RBI’s. For more information on the team’s season stats, visit their website or Max Preps page.

“I’ve played baseball my entire life and this season was definitely my favorite,” Garcia said. “I was playing with all my best friends and making connections with every one of them. There was never a dull moment and I’m so thankful to have been able to play baseball for College Park. I hope that anyone who plays baseball for College Park doesn’t take it for granted and makes the most of it.”