Season of Student Elections

Isabella Carlin, Reporter

As the final weeks of school approach, many student organizations such as Interact, DECA, and Stuco are in the process of assembling their officer boards for the next school year. These leadership teams are responsible for guiding the club and supporting members throughout their endeavors.

“It means a lot to be elected president of Interact because of how much I’ve enjoyed being part of the club since freshman year,” junior Susan Liu said. “The experience I’ve had so far has been great so being president will help me give back to the club.” 

The Interact club has already held student elections for leadership positions. Those interested in running were required to nominate themselves or be nominated by a peer for the position they wanted to hold. Then, during a meeting, election speeches were sent out to all members to watch and vote correspondingly. The results were quickly announced to members an hour later. DECA’s election is currently ongoing. 

“DECA’s application process is similar to other clubs– a written entry and an interview. The reward of being an officer in DECA makes the process even more special,” DECA VP of Membership, Caitlyn Cockshott said. “This organization opens the doors to many opportunities and assisting others makes this experience even more enjoyable.” 

The role of being a DECA officer consists of leading and planning meetings, completing an assigned campaign, and mentoring members as they prepare for competition. There are 5 main positions for students to run for including Vice President of Competition, Membership, Promotion, Community Service, and President. In addition, current freshmen are encouraged to apply for a Sophomore Ambassador position to assist the officer team and get hands-on experience. Stuco members participate in a similar process. 

“I ran for two Student Council positions– Vice President and Executive Board Director. During the interview process I felt a little nervous because I was trying out for competitive positions,” junior Yulia Lisovaya said. “However after the interview, I felt very assured and confident that I performed the best I could.”

Student Council board elections consist of similar requirements to DECA. In addition to completing an application and interview with the club sponsor and senior leaders, candidates had to meet specific requirements. This included being a member of the organization for at least 1 year and obtaining 30 points in each of the six committees throughout the year. These committees include Pride & Patriotism, Teacher Appreciation, Energy & Environment, Student Support, DASH, and Community Service. 

This year has been very different for Interact because we have not been able to volunteer at many events,” incoming Interact president, Susan Liu said. “I am hoping that next year we will accomplish more and get all the members involved.”