Student Insight Into Black History

Hannah Dollar

The U.S. devotes the month of February to the observance and awareness of African American achievements, their significant role in history, and how far their culture has come. The celebration of Black History for many is not limited to February as they do nothing differently for Black History Month. They recognize who they are and what they have accomplished every day. Students of African American origin have given their insight into what being black means to them as well as their inspirations.

“Being African American to me means multiple things. I personally take it as enlightening yet frightening,” senior Journi Williams said. “Although we all know the reality of how African American people are still treated to this day, I feel like it is a pleasure being part of such a strong community that continues to fight to overcome adversity every day.”

“As a child, I had to present my mother with a fact about a different African American, daily. I had to inform her of an invention or an event that made a difference in society,” senior LéAna Simpson said. “Now that I’m older, I don’t “celebrate” as much in the month of February because I try to educate myself throughout the year, regarding my history.”

“To me personally, black history is more than just a celebration of African Americans that have accomplished citizenship, liberty or equal rights,” junior William Dadzie said. “I believe black history is a lifestyle of enduring continuous oppression til this day, but that develops growth and strengthens the culture and knowledge of African Americans.”

“My father has been a big inspiration to me because he does anything and everything he wants to, disregarding his skin color,” junior Ty Buckmon said. “When racism is found he doesn’t back down and educates the uneducated when needed. He is a great person and I am inspired to be just like him.”

“I think it’s a great way to honor and show appreciation for the historical figures that have paved the way for minorities in America to be heard and reach equal opportunities,” senior Cynthia Nwankwo said. “I feel like it’s a really important way to bring awareness to how far we’ve come and to never take for granted the strides we have made as a diverse society.”

“The person who has inspired me the most is Alexa Irene Canady. She was the first African-American women neurosurgeon. As someone who plans to go into the medical field, for Neuroscience, Alexa has always been a huge inspiration for me,” Simpson said. “I’m guaranteed to face many challenges along the way, but knowing what she was able to accomplish, motivates me to pursue my dreams regardless of what others may think or feel.”