New FCA Club Creates Faith Community

FCA Members pictured together after a club meeting.

Isabella Carlin, Reporter

Fellowship of Christian Athletes or FCA, has become a popular club on campus ever since the chapter was founded earlier this school year by senior, Jonathan Sisk. This organization allows for students to grow in their Christian faith while meeting new friends who share similar backgrounds in religion and athletics. 

The organization meets every Friday at 6:45 am in the 2600 LGI. Each meeting focuses on a different faith-based topic for students to discuss and learn about. Often, members will share their personal testimonies with the group. In addition, coaches and other guest speakers have spoken to the organization about Christian values and how to apply the teachings of the Bible to the daily lives of student athletes.

In the future, FCA is looking to host community events in order to outreach and provide additional opportunities for students. In the fall, the club helped organize the Fields of Faith event where local athletes were scheduled to provide personal lessons about incorporating Christianity into the world of sports. Unfortunately, the event was cancelled due to weather. Similar events are planned for the future. 

If you are interested in learning more about FCA or have any questions, please join their Remind by texting the code @fcacp21 to 81010. All who are interested are welcome to become members.