Early Voting Breaks Records Around the Country

Isabella Carlin, Reporter

In less than a week, the much anticipated 2020 Presidential Election will come to an end. Tuesday is Election Day and millions across the country are eagerly waiting to see who will become president. In an election that could define our lifetime, Americans showed up to the polls like never before. 

Early voting allows Americans the chance to cast their vote conveniently weeks before Election Tuesday. It ensures that Americans who will be unable to vote on Election Day get the opportunity to do so. Early Voting also eliminates the congestion of people at polling locations on November 3rd. This is imperative, especially during a pandemic. 

Texas early voting began on October 13th and ended on October 30th. Over these 3 weeks, hundreds of thousands of Texans showed up to perform their civic duty. According to ABC 13, the city of Houston and Harris County has cast 1.34 million votes already. That is only for early voting. The turnout is slated to increase as many civilians wait to cast their ballot on Election Tuesday. As of Thursday night, 222,602 votes had been reported in Montgomery County. 

According to The Hill, the state of Texas has cast more ballots for early voting this year, than the entirety of the 2016 Election. This is a phenomenal accomplishment for the Lone Star state and can be due to the surge of young voters. Even some Senior Cavaliers got the chance to have their voices heard for the first time during this election. Nationwide, 82 million Americans have participated in early voting. This is 24 million more participants than during 2016 early voting. 

As Americans head out to the polls, it is important to remember that whatever results come out of this election, we must stay united as a country and treat each other with respect and kindness. Political party affiliations do not define the United States of America and the results will only last 4 years. May the best candidate win and may the millions of voices across the nation be heard on November 3rd.