Fighting for Equality

Q&A with a CP Student Activist

Fighting for Equality

Isabella Carlin, Reporter

Since May, our country has begun to witness a new era of activism and call for change due to the deaths and injuries of African Americans by police officers. This social movement is called Black Lives Matter and its mission is to fight for racial injustice and equality. BLM has been around since 2013 and is shaping up to become the largest social movement in American history. The young and elderly alike have come together to protest in their communities hoping to make their voices heard. Even in The Woodlands, a local organization called “For a New Tomorrow” has led BLM protests for students to participate in. College Park senior, Ryan Pereira had the opportunity to attend a local protest and spread awareness about social reform. Here is his opinion on the experience and hopes for the future-   


Q: What protest did you attend and what inspired you to become involved with BLM? 

A:  I attended the protest in the Woodlands which took place at the beginning of June. I was inspired to become involved because very rarely as young adults do we have the opportunity to fight for or show our support for something we believe in. Fighting for and believing in equality and against discrimination is something that is simply inherent to me and when an opportunity was available, I made sure to be a part of it. 


Q: What did you gain or take away from this experience? 

A:  My experience definitely showed me that there is still plenty of good left in the world. It showed me that there are good, decent people ready to fight for others and protect others at all costs. Solidarity is how we overcome the injustice that so many people face every day. 


Q: Why do you believe it is important for young students to use their voices? How will this help them in the future? 

A: Young students are the future of our world. What we are taught now, whether it is in school, at home, or through our experiences, serves as a foundation for our future and the future of our world. It is important for us to learn to use our voice now, to stand up for what we believe in so that in the future we are not held down by anything. In the future, the fight in us will have become innate. Through our fight, we will be able to make the world a more just and humane place. 


Q: If you could teach people one thing about the cause you are fighting for what would it be? 

A: Black Lives Matter is not just a cause. It’s a movement, a revolution for much-needed change. In school, we learn so much about African American history, but we fail to realize that this injustice is still present! Every day people are discriminated based on their skin color, where they are from, the language they speak, etc. Every aspect is criticized and for what? We are all human. We need to acknowledge the injustice that has occurred and that is present, and we need to do everything in our power to change it. 


Q: What changes do you hope to see in our community and school and how do you feel knowing you were a small part of spreading awareness? 

A: I am glad to have been a part of BLM and to have seen so many people, so many young adults, and children out supporting the movement! Needless to say, it’s not enough. We can do better and we have to do better. We cannot allow racism to continue in any aspect. We can start this change by correcting ourselves and our friends when we say or hear someone say something they shouldn’t have been saying. We need to educate one another so that we understand the importance of combatting this disease. I hope to see people standing up for and supporting one and other, whether they see bullying, racism, or they see someone alone and in need of a friend. To catalyze change, we need to stand on the frontlines.